
Peter's Haircut

Peter had his first haircut last week. All of those long brown curls are gone! (Well they are in his scrapbook, which I think is really kinda gross) His hair is so light. It even looks blonde from a distance!


daddy & me!

It has been a while since we last posted, so (thanks to reminders from my mom), here are some new pictures! Peter is a busy little guy these days. I am convinced that he will not crawl in the traditional way. He has this fast army-belly crawl thing down & is able to get where ever he wants (and where we don't want him to be) with it. He is pulling up, sitting up on his own and getting in to everything! He really wishes he could walk. I think he will skip walking and go straight to running though! When we help him walk his little feet move so fast!

Luke is busy with camp right now. Every other week he leads a 3 day backpacking trip for some of the leadership training kids (poor guy, gets paid to go backpacking!). He really enjoys working with these kids. Summer has gone by so fast. Only a week & a half left! We are looking forward to our first family vacation this August. We have always spent vacation time coming back home. We are going to Twin Lakes, CO where we have rented a house with some friends. I have to admit I am a little anxious about the drive though. 12 hours in the car with 3 kids under the age of 2 shoud be interesting.

We have really enjoyed this summer. It has been much more laid back than past summers. I have been working a few days a week for some friends of ours who own a photography studio. (You should check out their website www.picturemestudio.net They have taken some great pictures of Peter. To look at the proofs use the password freeman) Luke's mom, who is a teacher has been keeping Peter while I have been working. He loves all of the love & attention he get from his family.