
Peter is here!

Peter Luke Freeman was born on Thursday, November 30th at 3:57am. He was 7lbs 11.5oz and 21" long. Peter rocks our socks off! Check out the pictures and check back for updates.


Marla & Peter on "the Due Date"

Well, we all know that the due date didn't happen! The doctor scheduled an induction for Thursday (Nov. 30) morning @ 8, if he doesn't come by then! We will have pictures of the little guy soon! We can't wait to meet him!


2 weeks out - finally a middle name

Ok, so we had it narrowed down to "Peter Bo-Casey Freeman" or "Peter Luke Freeman" and finally decided this morning to go with the latter. Gentlemen, you may start your monogramming.

Also, Ben and Beth are going to fly up the week before we move to help us. Thanks guys, you rock.