
Ice Storm Survivors!

We made it through the ice storm. After a couple days of keeping the wood burning stove stoked we now have electricity. Things are getting back to normal around here, and New Life Ranch is on track to have thing cleaned up pretty quickly. Check out our NLR missionary support page (www.freemansupportinfo.blogspot.com) for more ministry news and ice pictures.


More Info - New Site

One stretching part of making this move to New Life Ranch is that we will be developing a team to support us with prayer and finances. This is new to us, and is both exciting and a little scary. We are excited to build a prayer team that will remember to regularly lift us up and ask for God's protection and blessing, and excited to see how God will provide for us on this journey. God has blessed us in the past with jobs that have met and exceeded our financial needs, but we really felt the call to take this step of faith and come to a place where we raise part of our salary.

If you are interested in learning more about joining our prayer or financial support team, or just want to know what is going on in the missionary area of our lives, you can check out a new site we've created to keep our support teams updated. There's a link to the site on this page, or you can go to www.freemansupportinfo.blogspot.com to get the scoop. This site will regularly be updated with information about the ministries of New Life Ranch, especially the work that I am doing with Outdoor Ministries.

We're Here!!!

Well, its been a little over a month without a post, and I think we've got a few decent excuses. Making the move to New Life Ranch has been great, but with a new baby it has been quite the adventure. We're hoping to get back in the groove of continuing updates on Peter's first year and our new home. Here are some highlights from the past month in picture:

1. Peter Spent A LOT of time in his car seat. About 800 miles.

2. Peter met grandparents and great-grandparents for the first time.

3. We got to catch up with a lot of good friends. And we got to eat at our favorite place (La Huerta).

4. The "Bad Holiday Sweater" party was great. Peter even got a vote for worst sweater.

I also want to take some space to thank those of you who have been praying for us as we have transitioned so much in the past month and a half. Since the end of November we have welcomed Peter into our lives, moved 800 miles, and I have started a new position at New Life Ranch. All the changes and random schedules have been tiring, but we are finally getting into the groove here at The Ranch and know that your prayers have made a difference during this exciting time. We want to be sure to send a special thanks to Marla's dad and brother (Bob and Eric) and also to Ben and Beth West, all of who helped us with the big move from Ohio to Oklahoma. You all were such amazing helpers, and we don't think we could have done it without you.